A new version of GiftAider will be released this month which will support the new submission format that will be needed from April 6th this year. There are also some new features ….
* Printable (saveable) official IRmark receipt from HMRC (automatically shown after submission). The Donation list (schedule) for submission is still printable (saveable) but not automatically shown after submission.
* IRmark is now shown in the submissions grid.
* Folder created to store submission data is now checked against Windows naming conventions so that invalid characters in the SubmissionID do not cause problems.
* Support for tax reclaims on top-up payments under the GASDS scheme in community buildings and other income (e.g. bank interest).We are also pleased to announce that a version of GiftAider specifically for agencies who collect GiftAid on behalf of multiple charities. Please get in touch if you are interested in this.