How GiftAider works

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How GiftAider works

GiftAider makes submitting Gift Aid claims easy, quick and hassle-free. Claiming Gift Aid doesn’t have to be a hard task, complicated or time-consuming.
GiftAider is easy to set up, use and understand – leaving you more time to focus on your charitable work.

All your data in one place

Our CRM system brings all your data together in one place. Donor information, donation records and communications.

Wave goodbye to multiple documents, duplicating information, losing version control or uploading / importing data. Everything is in one place, accessible to those who need it.

Pre-validation tool

Submissions sometimes return errors, which can be time-consuming to unravel if you’re working from imported documents.

GiftAider checks your claim before it’s sent, highlighting anything that needs attention.

Much quicker than manual checks.

Submissions when you need them

GiftAider is flexible – submit claims hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or ad-hoc. Our clients find it particularly useful for events or campaigns to make your claim as soon as possible, or for charity shops with daily claims to make.

Because it’s so quick and easy, claims can be sent in just a few easy clicks.

Frequently asked questions

I already use a CRM – can I still use GiftAider?

Yes – we can show you how to import your data from your own CRM into GiftAider. It’s quick and easy and we are here to help if you have any queries or questions.

Will my data be safe?

Yes – our systems are secure, encrypted and protected to very high standards.
We are Cyber Essentials certified and registered with the ICO.

Is GiftAider hard to set up?

Not at all – we can help get you set up and customise your dashboard how you like it.

How quickly can GiftAider be set up ready to use?

We can have you up and running in just a few days.

Is GiftAider easy to use?

Yes – we can give your staff online training to ensure they are competent and confident to make Gift Aid claims with GiftAider quick, easy and hassle-free. If you need more training, just get in touch.

How long does it take to submit a claim?

It depends on how many donations you are claiming for, but we would expect it to take around 1 minute per 1000 donations and there is no limit to the number of claims per submission you can make.
The Gift Aid portal allows up to 500,000 at a time.
Excel has a limit to how many lines can be uploaded in one go.

How many people can have access?

Each subscription comes with one user included, but more can be added at £14.99 per month. Just get in touch to upgrade to add more users – there is no limit.

What happens if two people are logged on at the same time?

Multiple users can be logged in at one time – the software allows parallel working, prevents writing over and will not allow duplication.
Ideal for users who are remote from one another.

What if I get stuck – can someone help me?

Of course we can – just get in touch and we’ll help you with what you need to do.

How many claims per submission can I make in one go?

500,000 at a time.

How much time will GiftAider save me?

We estimate that GiftAider will take you around 1 minute per 1000 claims. If you can do it faster, you won’t need us; if you can’t and want it to be a faster, more efficient job, get in touch for a demo and to find out more.