Why GiftAider?

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Why GiftAider?

Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) rely on donations – and the Government’s Gift Aid scheme boosts them by 20%.
When individuals make their donations, charities need a quick, easy and reliable way of claiming this tax back – GiftAider is our software that makes it happen.

Save time on Gift Aid submissions

GiftAider saves charities time and effort. It’s been built to provide a clear dashboard with easy-to-use upload, import and submit tools to make the job of claiming your tax back from donations quicker, easier and hassle-free. Submit an accurate, validated claim based on your own records in just a few clicks.
The dashboard tells you at a glance, what’s next.

Charities who use our software report savings on staff time – instead of spending lots of time on Gift Aid submissions, the software makes it a speedy task. It’s a good return on investment, giving your staff more time to focus on the charity’s mission rather than Gift Aid submissions.

The creation of GiftAider stands as a testament to our commitment towards fostering community connections through innovative financial tools.

Everything in one place

Manage your donor base, records and Gift Aid submissions in once place. Our built-in CRM keeps everything together – donor information, donations, Gift Aid records and communications too.
One system, one login.

Reliable Gift Aid submissions

GiftAider’s pre-validation tool auto-checks for potential rejections, showing you what’s needed for a successful completion. If an update is made on the submission, it is also made on the records too – no need to do anything twice.

Record keeping for Gift Aid submissions

The Government requires charities to keep records on their Gift Aid submissions. GiftAider stores everything you need so that should you need your records, they are organised and ready for checking, inspection or audit.

Better cashflow and growth

GiftAider allows you to make submissions as often as you like. Daily for charity shops, monthly for regular donations, ad-hoc for events, fundraisers or cash donations.
There’s no need to wait – make a submission when you need to and get your Gift Aid back quicker.
Charities using GiftAider have better cashflow and ability to grow.

Trusted Gift Aid software

GiftAider is built on a solid, secure server – we’re a HMRC-recognised supplier of reliable Gift Aid software.
It’s also cloud-based, not desktop based – safer, more secure and accessible remotely, wherever you are.
It’s resilient software – we’ve got Cyber Essentials, a solid, reliable platform, multiple servers for back-up and contingency. and a huge amount of software development experience behind it too.