£2.82 Billion was eligible for reclaim through Gift Aid in 2020, based on the £11.3 Billion donated in the UK in 2020 according to NPT UK but many charities struggle to take full advantage of this, or simply don’t have the right tools to make the process simple.

Claiming Gift Aid through HMRC without using a HMRC approved software application is possible but is a very labour-intensive process that requires manual entry onto a schedule spreadsheet, needs to follow strict formatting rules and is prone to error – let alone very labour intensive.
No surprise then that despite the 25p in every pound income benefits those charities, receive from the scheme, often the claims are delayed as other demands on time take immediate precedence, or worryingly miss the cut off period (2 years for cash donations and 4 years for non-cash donations).
Tracking Gift Aid Claims using the direct submission route on the HMRC website if using the manual entry is also an arduous business, that takes up resource that could be better spent promoting the charity’s good cause.
GiftAider is a suite of applications that helps charities to manage charity shops, process donations and claim Gift Aid from HMRC. Charities have claimed many hundreds of thousands of pounds through this software, making it one of the most cost-effective investment, that immediately improves the cash flow and positive impact that is the ethos at the heart of all charities.
So don’t wait, don’t miss out on claiming your Charity’s Gift Aid.
SMXi (Systematic Marketing Ltd) provide a raft of software applications that help integrate platforms effectively and efficiently.