3 years into online-only Gift Aid submissions

This is when SMXi created GiftAider, and over time our range extended from one version to four. 

When HMRC introduced the online Gift Aid processing requirement in 2013, there was of course a lot of concern and uncertainty within the charity sector.  This is when SMXi created GiftAider, and over time our range extended from one version to four. 

Gift Aid is a tremendous boost to thousands of charities and clubs throughout the UK. It’s worth an estimated £1.3 billion a year. And although the new requirement did mean significant data cleansing processes had to be implemented to ensure each claim could be validated at the time of submission, and yes initially there were fears all these new processes would cause hold ups in claims. But in actual fact, the new process enabled HMRC to process claims a lot quicker.

With SMXi’s GiftAider software, it also has a unique pre-validation process that can save you hours in checking that your submission is compliant with HMRC’s guidelines; it continues to work for you even after you have made a submission by continually checking on your submission status until the process is complete; and responds to any problems that arise by identifying them so they can be quickly and easily rectified.

Over the past three years, it has definitely had a positive impact on the charity sector. The majority of charities now find that the time taken preparing their Gift Aid submissions has dramatically reduced. Some have, in fact, reported a reduction from 2 months down to 2 weeks. Now that is impressive!

It goes to show that technology has had a positive impact – no more paper forms, signatures or audits. Just a centralised process that works for everyone, especially for charities, as they are receiving their Gift Aid rebate from HMRC much quicker.

You can find out more about our GiftAider range here https://smxi.com/Gift-Aider.html