GiftAider Online » Success Stories » The Science Museum is a busy London tourism hotspot. High volumes of Gift Aid claims need processing quickly and efficiently.

The Science Museum is a busy London tourism hotspot. High volumes of Gift Aid claims need processing quickly and efficiently.


The Science Museum now has more staff able to submit Gift Aid claims – GiftAider is speeding up income and keeping on top of donations

The Science Museum has used GiftAider for many years, having found it to be the best system for processing its high-volume donations to claim Gift Aid.
The Head of Corporate Finance and Reporting made the decision to expand their licences to add more users for their Gift Aid claim handling.

GiftAider is set up so that any user with HMRC can access the system under their own credentials.
Staff find the system easy to use, quick and accessible remotely, wherever they are working. Claims can be submitted as frequently as possible – daily, weekly, monthly – which aids in cashflow and stabilising finances.

The Need

The Science Museum was looking for a reliable system able to process huge volumes of claims.  
With more people involved with processing due to them increasing their user licences for GiftAider, they needed it to be able to cope with multiple user logins, to avoid duplication errors.
Hybrid working was also a factor – and GiftAider, being built in the cloud and not on desktop, meant their staff could log in at any location.

The Solution

All Science Museum staff needed for processing Gift Aid claims are now able to access GiftAider easily, when they need to.
Expanding the number of staff processing and submitting claims has been a smooth transition, enabling them to claim Gift Aid when they choose to.

Volume submission

Huge volumes of Gift Aid claims submitted easily.


Ability to choose frequency of claim submission.  


The clear dashboard is easy to understand, giving at a glance information for all users.

Shared workload

More staff are able to submit claims without difficulty.

Remote working

Safe, secure access for hybrid working.

Cash flow

Constant cash flow from regular Gift Aid submissions.

Data security

Highly encrypted software, servers and back-up.