GiftAider Online » Success Stories » Tenovus charity shops reduce admin and improve cashflow with GiftAider

Tenovus charity shops reduce admin and improve cashflow with GiftAider


Tenovus Cancer Care, is Wales’ leading cancer charity, operating 59 charity shops across Wales and West England, generating a large income.

The way the charity claimed Gift Aid was no longer working. They were finding it administration-heavy with an outdated and labour-intensive server-based database used to manage donations, sales and Gift Aid claims.
There was also a huge reliance on paper-based donor information, which used up human resources for large volumes of data entry. Delays in inputting information was holding up Gift Aid claims, impacting on cashflow.
The move to hybrid working meant relying on data entry from paper-based information wasn’t going to work – and would cause even more delays to Gift Aid claims.

The Need

Having decided to move to a cloud-based solution to support hybrid working, the charity was looking for a new Gift Aid claims system that provided an easier user experience that could be accessed remotely.
Time needed to be cut down on paper administration and a quicker, simplified, customer-friendly sign-up offered.
The new system needed to be easy and quick to use, accessible remotely and improve the speed of Gift Aid claims with the aim of improving cashflow and cascade money into the charity more swiftly.

The Solution


Staff now use a simple platform that allows Tenovus Cancer Care to easily manage, record and report on their shops’ Gift Aid claims.
The automated administration submission to HMRC gives them efficient claims management – and more frequent deposits from their claims.

Easily accessible

It’s cloud-based, so accessible from any location – for staff who are in the office, shop or working from home or elsewhere.

Central reporting

Each user reports into a centrally-managed system, enabling local reporting
for each shop.


The dashboard is clear and easy to understand, giving at a glance information.

Frequent claims

GiftAid claims from multiple shops are collated into one automated HMRC submission at the frequency the charity prefers, to improve cashflow and income.


The legally required communication is automatically sent to donors via email or output to post prior to the claim being made.


Legally required annual statements are easily ready for automatic distribution.

Easy sign-up

Gift Aid sign-up is hugely simplified – quick and easy, at each shop or site through a simple GiftAid sign up page.

What Tenovus Cancer Care say

“GiftAider has made immeasurable improvements to the way in which we operate; the outcome is exactly as we had hoped.”

Katie George, Tenovus Cancer Care.