GiftAider Online » Success Stories » Gift aid claims are quick, easy and more streamlined with GiftAider

Gift aid claims are quick, easy and more streamlined with GiftAider


Beamish is open from March to November, attracting visitors to both the museum and the many events they hold.
A long Gift Aid claims process was holding up income, and a new way was needed to simplify and improve.
The ability to process claims more frequently, easily and in less time was required to help with cashflow and free up staff for other jobs.

The Need

Beamish needed to process Gift Aid claims after a busy weekend event or day. Frequent and easy claims would mean the day was finished off, rather than waiting until there was time on another day.
Data held in different locations accessed by different staff was also increasing admin time – bringing it all together would free up time for other work.

The Solution

Gift Aid can now be claimed quickly and easily after each event or busy day. Staff are able to get on with the task without approaching it like a major chore – because everything is in once place and the submission process is streamlined.
Money can come back into the charity more quickly – whether it’s from a handful of claims or hundreds.
GiftAider has created savings on time and resources, alongside an improvement in cashflow from Gift Aid claims.

Easy claims

GiftAider is easy to use – making the task more manageable.

Time efficient

Less time processing Gift Aid, more time working in the charity.


A measurable ROI – and a better use of staff time.

Cash flow

Quicker submissions means better cashflow.

Streamlined data

Data is all in one place – where everyone can find it.


As the charity grows, they know they can handle more claims.

Hybrid working supported

Staff can log in from wherever they are working from.

What Beamish say…

“We have used GiftAider to submit electronically our Gift Aid claims for a number of years. The software is very flexible and very efficient in uploading high volume transactions from both our EPOS and online systems that we use to capture the Gift Aid details.

The technical support have been very helpful and supportive in the install and configuration of the software. We would have no hesitation in recommending GiftAider.”