GiftAid Submission Changes

From April 6th next year there are a couple of changes to the GiftAid submission data required.

The existing rules (v1.0) the Postcode element was optional so should have been included for UK addresses and omitted for foreign addresses, but as it was optional it meant that UK addresses could be submitted without it.

From April 6th the rules  been changed at schema level so that you must include either the postcode for UK addresses or a ‘yes’ in the Overseas element for foreign addresses.

Also the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme has been amended so that a GASDS claim can now be made for the previous 3 tax years increasing this from the previous limit of 2.

The next version of GiftAider will include these new rules and will know when to switch. So please update when we issue the new version so you don’t fall foul of this new rule.

CRM For small charities

CRM For small charities