Software for Gift Aid claim submissions to HMRC Case Study

The Science Museum has large Gift Aid claims, donated from inspired visitors. With award-winning exhibitions, iconic objects and stories of incredible scientific achievement, their world-class collection forms an enduring record of scientific, technological and medical advancement from across the globe.

The Science Museum has been successfully reclaiming Gift Aid on donations made by visitors, patrons and supporters for many years using GiftAider software from SMXI Software. The Science Museum’s Head of Corporate Finance and Reporting, recently expanded their licences to add more users to help in their Gift Aid claim handling.

Claim submission can be made by any user with HMRC access under their own credentials.

GiftAider was originally designed as a standalone system where you can store the data on a shared drive with multiple users able to view the data simultaneously, but SMXi Software is working on an enterprise version that will enable full multi-user simultaneous access due for release in the near future.

GiftAider software is unique in that it can accept batch files extracted from any CRM system so that there is no barrier to which CRM software your charity uses and no need for complicated and expensive software interface development. You can quickly and easily process large data files through a validation tool and then confidently submit via the software to HMRC’s claim portal.

Reports, tracking and confirmations all come as standard.

For more information on how to submit your Gift Aid to gain maximum income contact us.